After such an emotional roller coaster of a week and the fact that I still don't know when my surgery is, I have decided to take a break from TTC. I'm not going to dwell on it, think about it, try for it, or anything until after the surgery. I'm throwing caution to the wind and just enjoying time with my husband when I can get it. I thank you all for reading and I hope eventually in the near future I will be able to come on here and share great news. I will continue to blog when I have time to keep you all posted on what's happening. But I won't be obsessing so much over TTC. I think I need a mental vacation so I can regain strength. A lot of you don't know how emotionally and mentally draining trying to conceive is. But I feel like I've basically hit rock bottom and I need to get back to good. Chris and I have been working on the house today and we will continue to get the house cleaned and organized. We are working our way through each room and decorating, organizing, deep cleaning, and getting rid of things. Trying to make this house feel more like home.
I've been spending about an hour looking for Christmas gifts for him. This will be the first year that I'm trying to surprise him with presents and thankfully I'm such a great bargain shopper I not only managed to finally track down a couple of shirts he's been wanting but I got them at VERY discounted prices!!! I also scored a really cute stainless steel necklace he likes for less than 5 bucks! I hate that we have to do Christmas on a budget but that's the life of the Military! But thank you all for listening to me ramble, now it's time for us to crawl into bed. I'm going off post with a friend of mine for a couple of hours tomorrow to keep her company. She is going to her Thirty-One product premier and she offered to pay for a ticket for me to see a movie of my choice. So I'm going to watch Breaking Dawn Part 2 again and then afterwards we are going to 5 Guys Burgers And Fries!!!!!!!!!!! OH MY GOODNESS, OH MY DAYUM!!!!!
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